Video Gallery - Interview with Lakshminarayanan Embranthiri

Lakshminarayanan has been an instituton at the Vadikkini and had served as the 'Parikarmi' or the Supervisor of the Pujaris for over 50 years. He is the one who opens the doors of the Vadikini at 5.00 AM and begins the first set of Pujas, who is later joined by other Pujaris to perform the Pujas for Goddess Bhagavathy, Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu. In the olden days, The Lord Ganapathy Puja was only performed on certain days of the month. Now, there are Special Pujas requested for occassions like the 28th day of a newborn, Pujas for other dieties like Vettekaran and many more. In the past, the members of the Family prayed and prostrated themselves before the Lord. With the passage of time, the reading of Holy Books and Prayer Sessions that go on for a whole day, called Namamjapams, became common. It was seemingly due to the influence of the Bhakthi Movement of that period.