Video Gallery

Short film -Ekameva adwitiyam
Short Film - Ekameva adwitiyam. This is ekam + eva + advitheeyam. Advaita or Dwaita?, asks the famous...

Short Film - Nairantharyam
Short Film - Nairantharyam. It is pronounced as Nyran-tha-rium which means 'Continuum'. The...

In Search of John Munro
John Munro was appointed as the British Resident of Cochin in 1811 and later, accepted his post as the Dewan of Cochin at the...

Interview with Munro Clan at Fowlis Castle
Very Interesting and informative discussions at Fowlis Castle on Nonember 2007 with Madam Munro and others.

Mountbattens and Gandhi 1948
These are two videos from the Imperial War Museum in London procured by Dr Rajeev Menon, a great grandson of Raja Kerala...

Visit to Portugal
The terrain of Lisbon shows depicts collision of cultural history. The Moors dominated for Centuries and were eventually...

A Trip to the Netherlands
Dr. Hugo K s' Jacob, Historian and Author of the ' Rajas of Cochin : 1663-1720 ; Kings, Chiefs and the Dutch East...

Netherlands with Hugo K.s Jacob
The Dutch East India Company of Netherlands dominated trade and politics in the State of Cochin in the 17th and 18th...